Legal protection insurance is very common these days and offers a good way of not having to bear the costs of a legal dispute yourself.
The type and scope of the legal protection insurance contract you have concluded determine whether and to what extent the costs are borne by the legal protection insurance. Since the insurance conditions sometimes differ significantly, it makes sense to make a precise comparison before concluding the contract. Your insurance broker can give you more details. A legal protection insurance test by Stiftung Warentest from July 2009 also gives a good overview.
When taking out legal protection insurance for the first time, it should be noted that most insurance companies have a blocking period of at least three months after the conclusion of the contract, during which no costs are covered.
We work with all of the more than 30 insurance companies in Germany and can therefore often tell you in advance whether a confirmation of cover from your legal protection insurance is likely when you present the legal protection contract. Incidentally, we will quickly and easily clarify inquiries about the assumption of costs with your insurance company if you have not already done so in advance.
Regardless of which company you have legal protection insurance with, you have the right to choose your lawyer freely. If your company suggests your own contract lawyers, these suggestions are only recommendations and you are not bound by them.